all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 5AA 0 52.680355 -2.472425
TF3 5AB 0 52.681725 -2.471567
TF3 5AD 0 52.681332 -2.47316
TF3 5AE 0 52.681796 -2.473282
TF3 5AF 0 52.68148 -2.472259
TF3 5AG 0 52.682854 -2.47257
TF3 5AH 0 52.685835 -2.475798
TF3 5AJ 2 52.686672 -2.475422
TF3 5AL 0 52.686153 -2.472561
TF3 5AN 0 52.686647 -2.472818
TF3 5AP 0 52.687553 -2.475565
TF3 5AQ 0 52.685244 -2.475022
TF3 5AR 0 52.686703 -2.47665
TF3 5AS 0 52.686925 -2.47078
TF3 5AT 0 52.689186 -2.469384
TF3 5AU 0 52.679008 -2.472174
TF3 5AW 0 52.686882 -2.472333
TF3 5AX 0 52.685776 -2.470161
TF3 5AY 0 52.685692 -2.470974
TF3 5AZ 0 52.685908 -2.473165